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After 365 days

Riding: 275 days

Distance on bike: 40'013 km

Distance on bus: ca 2'500 km in Mexico

Distance hitchhiking: ca 1'900 km

Elevation: 250'000 m (approximately...)

Longest stage: 299.5 km in 12:45 (desperate attempt to find a hotel between Kazan and Perm, finally had to camp...)

Most elevation in one day: 2'927 (between Tapachula, Mexico and San Marcos, Guatemala)

Highest point on bike: 4'830 m (Measured on my GPS between San Pedro and Jama, Chile)

Highest point on feet: 6'275 m (Chimborazo, Ecuador)

Fastest stage: 265 km in 8:15 (between Tioumen and Omsk, wind was helping a lot)

Max speed: 81.4 km/h (Between Moab and Blanding...)

Falls: 3 (nothing too serious, elbow was bleeding quite a bit after the 3rd one...)

Flats: stopped counting but somewhere between 15 and 20... Must be aropund 40 now...

Countries: 26 (Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, South Korea (only the airport of Seoul...), USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Italy, France, Spain)